Pendle Princess Steam Traction Engine
The Engine
Steam Traction Engine known as the Pendle Princess was manufactured by Richard Garrett & Sons Ltd in Suffolk, England in 1919. A popular engine that was used less as an agricultural vehicle and more as a festival exhibit. Weighing 8.5 tons and fired by coal it is a beautiful machine indeed.
The Model
This kit was produced in the late 70’s by Bandai and has been long out of production. As a child, my father had one unbuilt for a number of years. I would often look at it longingly wanting to build it. One day he decided to let me build it, but as a child my enthusiasm far outweighted my ability and it ended up in the bin. The kit has fully moving pistons and belt drive which is all linked together. The steering works through an authentic chain driven system.
Completed March 2010